Why 2mmc is also called Kitty or Meow

The names "pussy" and " Meow”

The nicknames "Kitty" and "Meow" may seem strange and unusual at first glance for a chemical, but they have a number of possible explanations:

  1. Phonetic similarity with Mephedrone:
    • The nickname "Meow “probably originated as a playful corruption of the phonetic sound of the word”mephedrone". In English, “mephedrone” sounds a bit like “meow”, which is the sound cats make. This may have led to the use of the term “meow” to describe 2-MMC.
  2. Association with cats:
    • Cats are often associated with independence, curiosity, and sometimes a little quirkiness. These properties can be symbolically linked to the effects of 2MMC, which are often described as evocative, euphoric, and sometimes unpredictable. This may have given rise to the association with cats and the appellation “cat”.
  3. Popular culture and Slang:
    • In the world of party drugs and slang, it is common to create nicknames that are easier to remember and use than the technical names of substances. "Pussy" and” Meow " are simple, recognizable terms that can be quickly spread and understood within user circles.

The importance of nickname use

The use of nicknames such as “Kitty” and “meow” for 2mmc and 3mmc has a number of implications:

  1. Security and deception:
    • While nicknames can help to quickly identify the substance within certain circles, they can also be confusing and misleading to people unfamiliar with the terminology. This can lead to unintended use and potentially dangerous situations.
  2. Cultural Impact:
    • The naming of drugs can have an impact on the perception of them within society. An innocent-sounding nickname can obscure the dangers of a substance and lower the threshold for use among young people and other vulnerable groups.
  3. Law enforcement and Policy:
    • For law enforcement and policymakers, it is crucial to be aware of the various nicknames and slang terms used to denote drugs. This helps to effectively monitor and regulate the use of these substances.

combination of phonetic similarity

The nicknames "Kitty” and "Meow" for 2mmc originated from a combination of phonetic similarity to mephedrone, cultural associations with cats, and the need for simple, recognizable terms within user communities. While these nicknames can have a certain charm and playfulness, it is important to remain aware of the risks and responsibility associated with the use and distribution of designer drugs. Understanding these names and their origins can contribute to better education and awareness about the effects and dangers of 2mmc.

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