2MMC, also known as 2-Methylmethcathinone, is a synthetic substance belonging to the category of research chemicals. It has received a lot of attention, especially since it is often seen as a replacement for the recently declared illegal 3-CMC. In this blog we give you detailed information about 2-MMC, from the effect to the correct dosage.
What is 2-MMC?
2-MMC is a synthetic cathinone, a group of chemicals known for their psychoactive effects. Cathinones stimulate the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, which leads to increased energy and euphoric feelings. The action of cathinones is very similar to that of amphetamines such as speed and MDMA.
Effects of 2MMC
Although little scientific research has been done on 2mmc, user experiences show that its effects are similar to those of 3-MMC, 4-MMC, and 3-CMC. After ingesting 2-MMC, users may experience:
- More energy
- Increased alertness
- Greater self-confidence
- More empathy and a sense of togetherness
- Increased libido
- Feeling of openness
Operation of 2-MMC
2MMC stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which causes feelings of euphoria and increased energy. The duration of action varies, depending on factors such as the dose, purity of the substance, individual biological factors and user experience. In general, 2-MMC begins to act within a few minutes to half an hour after ingestion, with a peak after 1-2 hours. The effects can last from 3 to 6 hours, after which the intensity gradually decreases.
Risks of 2-MMC
Since little specific research has been done on 2-MMC, the exact risks and safe dosage are still unknown. It is also unclear how 2-MMC reacts when combined with other drugs, medications, or alcohol.
2-MMC as a substitute for 3CMC
Since september 2023, 3-CMC has been banned, and 2-MMC is seen as an ideal replacement. Chemically, 2-MMC is analogous to 3-CMC and exhibits the same stimulant and psychoactive effects. For those who want to research the effects of 3-CMC and are looking for a legal alternative, 2-MMC is a suitable option.

Availability of 2MMC
Currently, 2-MMC is legally available in our shop, unlike 3-CMC, which has recently become illegal. However, there are plans for new legislation that would ban Multiple research chemicals at once, including 2-MMC. This law is scheduled for 2024, which means that 2-MMC may also be banned soon.
Basically, 2-MMC is a synthetic cathinone with effects similar to other stimulants such as 3-MMC and 4-MMC. For those who want to research the effects of 3-CMC and are looking for a legal alternative, 2-MMC is a suitable option.